Easter During Isolation and Pandemic
Easter 2020 Christ Church Cathedral I do not know what the followers of Jesus, the women at the tomb, the disciples, the two on the road...
Easter Images in Advent
Third Sunday of Advent, Year A, RCL Isaiah 35:1-10, Canticle 15, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11 This is a story of two mothers, one old...
To Touch Our Wounds
Second Sunday of Easter, Year B, RCL John 20:19-31 If we go back a few decades you may remember the TV show “At the Movies with Siskel...
And They Said Nothing
Easter Day, Year B, RCL Mark 16:1-8 The ladies fled from the tomb and said nothing... The End. Where are the resurrection stories of...
The Dangerous Waters of Baptism
The Easter Vigil 4/15/2017 Matthew 28:1-10 There is a feeling or maybe it’s a saying that applies to couples; often couples in new love....