Rejecting the Foreigner
Proper 15, Year A, RCL, Track 2 Isaiah 56:1,6-8, Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32, Matthew 15:10-28 Paul, in our passage, is speaking about the...
Caught In The Net
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Year C, RCL Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11 Who am I? Nobody really. I’m just a...
To Touch Our Wounds
Second Sunday of Easter, Year B, RCL John 20:19-31 If we go back a few decades you may remember the TV show “At the Movies with Siskel...
Spreading and Serving
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B 1 Corinthians 9:16-23, Mark 1:29-39 This Gospel passage gets quite a bit of criticism from many...
A Reformation or a Schism
Year A, Proper 25, Track 1 Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Matthew 22:34-46 Reformation Sunday is...
Who do you say that I am?
Sunday, August 27, Year A, Proper 16, RCL Track 1 Exodus 1:8-2:10, Psalm 124, Romans 12:1-8, Matthew 16:13-20 The disciples are put on...
Christ and our Human Species
Sunday, August 20, Proper 15, Year A RCL Track 1 Genesis 45:1-15, Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32, Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28 Paul says that all...
Friends or Family
Proper 12, Year A, Track 1, Genesis 29:15-28,Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, like leavening, like...
We are planted with our roots entangled
Proper 11, Year A, RCL, Track 1, Psalm 139: 1-11, 22-23,Romans 8:12-25,Matthew 13:24-30,36-43 Have you ever noticed that some weeds look...
The Holy Spirit Brought Diversity
Day of Pentecost, Year A Acts 2:1-21, 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13, John 7:37-39 It is hard for us to be one with each other. We love...