It Naturally Spills Out
The First Sunday after Christmas Isaiah 61:10-62:3, John 1:1-18, Psalm 147 or 147:13-21 The first week of Christmas is over; many have...
Don’t Blink, Don’t Eeven Blink
Christmas Eve - Day 1, RCL, All Years Isaiah 9:2-7; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14(15-20); Psalm 96 “Don’t blink, don’t even blink” is the...
Waiting for Signs of God’s Favor
Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B RCL 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Canticle 15; Luke 1:26-38 An angel suddenly appears in the room with Mary. Mary...
A Quick Determination
Third Sunday of Advent, Year B, RCL John 1:6-8, 19-28 A voice calling out in the wilderness. Didn’t we hear this last week? We did, but...
Expectant Waiting
Second Sunday of Advent, Year B RCL Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-8, Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 I arrive at the water’s edge after a day’s walk. In...
Don't Miss it, Keep Awake
First Sunday of Advent, Year B, RCL Isaiah 64:1-9,1 Corinthians 1:3-9,Mark 13:24-37, Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18 Humans have made great things...